Running a garage or an automotive repair shop comes with its own set of risks and challenges. From accidents on the premises to damage to customers' vehicles, unforeseen events can quickly turn your business upside down.

With Garage Insurance, you can protect yourself against liability claims resulting from accidents, bodily injury, or property damage that occur within your facility. This coverage extends not only to your employees but also to the customers and their vehicles while they are at your premises. It provides peace of mind, knowing that you are financially protected from unexpected incidents.

Furthermore, Garage Insurance can safeguard your valuable inventory, tools, and equipment, which are vital to keep your business running smoothly. Whether it's damage due to fire, theft, or natural disasters, this coverage ensures that you can quickly recover and continue serving your customers.

  • Dealers Open Lot

  • Dealers/Non-Dealers

  • Garage Liability

  • Garage Keepers Legal Liability

  • Parking Garages/Lots

  • Repair/Service Stations

  • Towing

  • Valet Services


JR Wallace

JR Wallace
Senior Vice President:

Cyndi Johnston
First Vice President:

Mary Hoover
Vice President:

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“JR blew my mind getting the quote back to me so quick. JR is a rockstar. I appreciate working with him.”

— Louisiana Retail Agent to JR Wallace